
How to wear a pussy bow blouse like a grown up

— by Alyson Walsh

There I was researching iconic pictures of the pussy bow blouse, when I came across a photo of Harry Styles in Gucci. As I’d rather reference One Direction than Margaret Thatcher, let’s run with it. And anyway, I’ve been looking for a convenient opportunity to tell this story…

Rushing across Euston Road towards St Pancras station to catch the train home, I swerved to take a picture of the Victorian Gothic Architecture for Instagram. After snapping the beautiful building I looked down, put my phone away and there, about three feet in front of me, was Harry Styles. ‘Oh look,’ I said to Mr That’s Not My Age, nodding my head towards Styles and his pal like a lunatic, but the Blog Widower was intent on catching the train. ‘He was a bit put out that you were taking a photo of St Pancras and not him,’ said Mr TNMA as we legged it towards the platform, ‘Didn’t you hear him moan to his friend, “Hmm, well, I suppose it is a good-looking building.”‘ When Harry met Ally…

As well as my best Blue Steel stare, I’m wearing the brilliant Winser London silk Lauren blouse (with detachable tie), an old Jaeger jacket and my favourite J.Crew black Toothpick jeans, (available HERE). If you’re on the look out for something festive, M&S Autograph has a red pussy bow blouse (available HERE), not quite sure what the fabric is like, but it’s under forty quid. Or there’s Boden’s gold lamé Soho blouse (available HERE):

M&S bow blouse_0Boden gold blouse_GLD

And here’s a selection of Styles-worthy pussy bow blouses:

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Wear what you like

There I was researching iconic pictures of the pussy bow blouse, when I came across a photo of Harry Styles in Gucci. As I’d rather reference One Direction than Margaret Thatcher, let’s ru…