
Are you Ageist? A brilliant new campaign

— by Alyson Walsh

On my local train station the other day, this billboard stopped me in my tracks. The question ARE YOU AGEIST? in massive big capital letters. Whoop! I did a small fist pump, as I rushed to take a quick photo while jumping on my train. Oh yes, I can multitask… This is the first ever campaign against ageism in the UK. The work of Age Without limits, an organisation formed by the charity Centre For Ageing Better; whose research has shown that over-50% of over-50s in the UK have experienced ageism. Tell us about it…

As the Centre’s chief executive, Dr Carol Easton points out:

‘Ageism is the prejudice that’s hidden in plain sight. We see and hear casual ageism every day, it’s embedded in our society and even accepted as normal by many of us who are older. It is often dismissed as being harmless, but if you look at the research, or speak to people whose lives have been affected by ageism, you will soon realise ageist ideas or beliefs can be incredibly damaging for us as individuals and for wider society.’


Let’s hope this brilliant campaign makes a difference.


More information about the Age Without Limits campaign and challenging everyday ageism HERE.

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On my local train station the other day, this billboard stopped me in my tracks. The question ARE YOU AGEIST?