50 years of fashion icon Twiggy
— by Alyson Walsh
The Face of 1966, Twiggy is celebrating 50 years in fashion. Discovered as a 16-year-old schoolgirl, the model-turned-actor-singer-designer formerly known as Lesley Hornby remains a much-recognised face at 66-years-old. I’ve met Twiggy several times: the first about 15-years ago as a fashion editor when she was magazine cover star on one of our issues, and more recently through her collaboration with M&S. She’s beautiful, natural and as down-to-earth as you like; comfortable with the ageing process, you believe her when she says she’s hasn’t had any Botox or work done. That’s just not her thing.
To celebrate this 50th anniversary, M&S gave me the chance to interview Twiggy and are offering three lucky That’s Not My Age readers the chance to win a khaki suede biker jacket from her latest collection (see below):
TNMA: 50 years, can you believe it?
Twiggy: It’s been amazing. I’ve been very lucky, I didn’t plan it, I was at school when I was discovered and thrown into a world I knew nothing about. I was so young when it happened, I was 18 and on This Is Your Life. I started out in one career, then modelling led me to meet Ken Russell and star in The Boyfriend – I was terrified at first but then I thought “what have you got to lose?” – I got a record deal, I’ve done TV, starred on Broadway. I’ve always worked to the best of my ability and am proud of what I’ve done; doing lots of different things is what keeps you interested.
TNMA: How has the modelling industry changed?
Twiggy: Well, I’m not really that involved in mainstream modelling, apart from the shots I do with M&S, but I am proud to be part of such an exciting and diverse industry. In the late sixties, a photography model didn’t do catwalk and so that’s changed. Today girls travel, go to shows, are big on social media – I don’t live by social media – it’s a completely different world.
TNMA: What’s your biggest highlight?
Twiggy: Being on Broadway was quite daunting at first, I was very very nervous but by the time you open, you know the show inside out. I met some extraordinary people: Ginger Rogers, Douglas Fairbanks Junior – on the opening night of ‘The One and Only‘ Lauren Bacall came backstage, gave me a big bear hug, actually picked me up in her arms and said, ” You were wonderful, darling.”‘
TNMA: How would you describe your style and has it changed over the years?
Twiggy: I’ve always worn the boyfriend-y look, I wear trousers a lot and brogues – in the 1960s I used to go to men’s tailors to have suits made. I’ve never followed rules, I like wearing jeans and trousers, love a tailored jacket or biker jacket, that’s my kind of thing and what I feel most comfortable in.
TNMA: Do you have a favourite photographer?
Twiggy: I am very lucky to have worked with some of the greats. Norman Parkinson, Cecil Beaton, Richard Avedon for American Vogue when I was 17 and he was a wonderful man, very intense, his work was amazing. Bryan Adams , Bert Stern, I’ve worked with Brian Aris a lot over my career. I loved Brigitte Lacombe’s photograph of me and Kate Moss.
TNMA: Ooh tell me about Kate Moss?
Twiggy: I know her, we don’t hang out together. I think she’s brilliant, she’s had an amazing career.
TNMA: How involved are you in the M&S collection?
Twiggy: I’m very hands on, nothing goes out that I don’t approve. When you start a new brand it takes a while to get into your stride, to get to know your customer. My big things are fabric and cut. The great thing about working with M&S is that they have the infrastructure and so the prices are good. I was filming a music documentary the other day and the makeup artist and female director loved my outfit – I was quite chuffed when they asked if it was Zadig & Voltaire!

Scarf print trousers, available HERE
And here is the khaki suede biker jacket (worth £200). I’ve seen it, up close and personal – being modelled by Twiggy last week – I’ve copped a feel of the suede and it has the That’s Not My Age seal of approval:
For the chance to win, leave a comment below and I’ll pull the three winners out of a hat on Sunday 6 March 2016. Good luck!
Discussion (276 Comments)
Camilla Gray says:
I’ve loved Twiggy since I was a 13yr old Catholic school girl in Wisconsin. I had my room papered with her pictures, along with those of pop stars. She’s gone through interesting incarnations. Still an icon!
Evelyn Bridge says:
Love the Twiggy collection beautiful and age appropriate
cheryl says:
Twiggy is a stunning and remarkable woman. She is an inspiration to all stylish women on how to “rock it” into every stage of your life.
Sheila Rout says:
That is just beautiful and ageless – just like Twiggy !!
JP says:
Beautiful jacket. The suede makes it softer poking which I prefer to the black leather ones.
Erin says:
Somewhat of a back-handed compliment to say it’s obvious that Twiggy hasn’t had any work done. I’m sure you didn’t mean to suggest she was looking old 😉 Great face, great genes from a lovely women with a varied career to be proud of.
It wasn’t meant as a back-handed compliment, Erin. Just a compliment. Twiggy is comfortable/content and not chasing youth. And yes, great genes, great face, great career!
Dianne Dugan says:
What a wonderful career! I certainly remember Twiggy and those painted on lower lashes- she was the face of an era.
Sheree says:
Twiggy is ageing beautifully and gracefully. It’s great to see she still has a career in fashion.
Jenny Bourke says:
What a fab looking jacket, will look for it in M&S. Good article as well.
Susan F. says:
Love love love Twiggy (so beautiful) and love this jacket! It would be a dream to win it.
Marci Miller says:
Twiggy looks great and the jacket would look fab on me! Nice post!
Elizabeth P says:
She just gets better! Love the juxtaposition of the older photos with the new.
vivien bartlett says:
Twiggy was my fashion icon growing up – great that she’s still gives style to ‘girls’ like me.
Sara Middleton says:
I have always adored Twiggy as a young child growing up in the 1960s I liked to see what she wore in her fashion shoots, my much older sister used to dress in a similar way. Later as she became involved in acting and singing I enjoyed reading about her and seeing her interviewed on television. Now, unbelievably in her 60s she is still a style icon. She looks much younger than her years, wears her clothes with panache and comes across as a lovely, bubbly person who talks a lot of sense. As a blue eyed blonde I hope I look as good when I reach my 60s. This gorgeous green biker jacket is a great colour to wear, very flattering colour to wear for us blondes and would look good slung over a dress or worn with jeans, a good wardrobe staple.
Norina says:
I am 3 years younger than Twiggy, but can remember in detail the hours and hours my friends and I spent getting ready for a night out at the local Youth Club Disco in the 1960’s in our efforts to master the famous “Twiggy eyes” of the moment. I have long admired her relaxed style and the fact that she is happy to age gracefully and naturally whilst always looking very much on trend. I also like the fact that a lot of thought has obviously gone into the sizing and shaping of her M and S range to accommodate those nasty changes of waistlines etc which nature seems to delight in imposing on us as we age. I had already spotted this beautiful biker jacket on the M and S website, so would be MORE than happy if you were to wing one my way! Fingers crossed 🙂 I only discovered the TNMA website a couple of weeks ago and am loving all of the info. Thanks for shining the light on all of the great (and appropriate!) styles out there.
Cynthia says:
Love the jacket! Hope I can age as gracefully as Twiggy!
Shohreh says:
Love your blog and love Twiggy! And more than anything, love that jacket!
Lisa B says:
What a great set of photographs of an all time icon – love seeing how Twiggy has changed but remains so beautiful. And the jacket’s rather lovely too!
Mo Burton says:
Always nice to see Twiggy. She always appears relaxed, approachable and as if she is really enjoying what she is doing – not a bad impression!
Wendy says:
Twiggy still looks beautiful and I love her hair. I must summon up the courage to grow mine a little bit longer.
Patricia says:
What a fabulous life Twiggy has had! From starting so young, she has done well to steer her career and do so many different things. Great interview!
Marion Miller says:
This jacket would make me smile. Thanks for the great pieces and the sure knowledge that style is a great accompaniment for everyday life.
Yvonne Lumley says:
Love the fact Twiggy remains true to her values. I had the joy of seeing her on Broadway way back when! She was fab
Jeanne says:
I love Twiggy and was obsessed with her in my late teens. She has aged beautifully and I love that jacket. Enjoy your blog. So nice to see women my age dressing stylishly and looking wonderful.
Beverley Torrance says:
Twiggy – proof you can still be as fabulous in your 60’s as in the 60’s.
I was a big fan of Twiggy…I wanted to look like her when I was a teenager! It never occurred to me to do diets or change anything in my body (I was all curves)…just that make up! I love that she’s still herself, natural and confident.
Carla says:
Twiggy was my absolute style icon growing up! She looks amazing still at 66! I need that jacket, it is just what I have been looking for;)
Robin D says:
I am back in my bedroom, a teenager pouring through Seventeen magazine with my cousin, tearing out the pages of Twiggy to put on my wall. She is beautiful. Love the jacket!!
Mary Kane says:
I have adored Twiggy since the 60s. She looks incredible! Each of the pieces in these pics are items I would enjoy wearing especially the beautiful suede jacket. Thank you for the interview. She seems as genuine as she is attractive!
Holly says:
Oh how I love Twiggy…Love’s Baby Soft Perfume…Maybeline Mascara….yellow daisy wallpaper….VW Beetles with flower stickers…huge Bell-bottomed pants…the buoyancy of youth.. Xxx-hb
Wow! I would so love to win that jacket. It’s gorgeous and such a flattering colour. 🙂
Janet says:
I was at school with Twiggy – the year above – and she had such presence even in the 4th year! Navy mac and spotted scarf tucked stylishly around the neck, just about ok for school uniform but so different from the rest of us! I love some of her M&S outfits, including that suede jacket, and admire how she has gone for every opportunity that’s come along. Well done the girl from BKHS!
Vicky says:
Lovely interview – she’s so stylish and stunning. Would love a chance to win the gorgeous jacket!
linda says:
I think that Twiggy is a national Icon, I love the way that she continues to inspire in such a down to earth attitude, much like your blog!
Sue W. says:
I’m a baby boomer so Twiggy and Imhave matured together! Love your blog and love the suede jacket. Fingers and toes and everything crossed!!
Thank you for writing such an interesting blog. I appreciate the fact that Twiggy has aged gracefully m
Emma Miller says:
What a great example Twiggy is on how to age gracefully. Love the photos of her and that jacket.
simone says:
I’m in my early 50’s and adore Twiggy she is such an amazing Woman .I am in Australia but would be over the moon to be in the running to win this Iconic Jacket . Fingers & Toes crossed 🙂
Vicki says:
They nicknamed me “twig” after Twiggy. I felt honored. I’m her age now and that was years ago. She still inspires me.
Jackie says:
Twiggy is fabulous! Many hours spent playing model when I was young and all the girls wanted to be Twiggy! I loved then collections she did for HSN and bought several pieces which I’ve enjoyed ever since. I’d love to win this suede Moto jacket.
Franca says:
What a beautiful jacket in a great colour! Would love to wear it 🙂
Kristien says:
I loved the models of my day, Twiggy, Jean Shrimpton, et al. It is heartening to see how lovely they have remained. Fabulous! Older women aren’t invisible any more!
Edna Gillen says:
As a fifty year old and fashion lover I’m sick of seeing teenagers in fashion mags. Our generation is beautiful and strong thank goodness for TNMA! And I’d love the jacket!
Suzanne says:
She is truly stunning at every age and possesses incredible inherent style… LOVE the jacket! Inspirational.
Beth F says:
Thank you for sharing this fabulous interview with Twiggy! She is still so beautiful. What an interesting woman!
Kimberly says:
All the gorgeous photos in this post inspire me. Even the 1974 shot reminds me of my older sis and her friends, who aspired to Twiggy’s look. I hope to see photos of the winners showing the way they would style their jackets, and of course, that I am one of the lucky four!
Tove says:
Being one year Twiggy`s senior I was nearly 20 the spring I escaped to London from Norway in 1968. I stayed for 3 months as an au-pair to an English couple with two children. It was a life changing experience. London was all modern; Twiggy, Carnaby Street, Mary Quant, Mary Hopkins and mini-skirts. Arrived in my mother`s self-made decent dress to my knees, went back in a turqoise mini-skirt barely covering my bum. And my mum there at the airport with her friend, almost fainting. I blamed it on Twiggy, but was never ever forgiven. What wonderful memories. Thank you Twiggy!
Susan Young says:
Twiggy is an icon. The clothes and especially the jacket are absolutely beautiful!
I love seeing Twiggy again! She is as beautiful as ever. I grew up watching her and coveting every dress and outfit she wore. And her eyelashes!
Bravo Twiggy!
And I love your That’s Not My Age Blog! Keep it coming!christy f says:
when I was young wanted to BE Twiggy – still do! What a lovely woman, inside and out! and the jacket is to die for…..would love to win it.
I love her attitude! She also still looks lovely and very natural. That jacket is fabulous…not too many clunky details to muck up the nice shape.
aud says:
Please, please, please, can I win one of the lovely jackets please!
Sue aaron says:
You have got to love Twiggy, she is such an icon, but seems so down to earth. She is an ambassador for those of us not in the first flush of youth 😉 Would love to win this jacket!
Paula Kitchen says:
Twiggy was THE original Supermodel. I love how her style and continued to shine trough the years, just like her joyous spirit,
I have always loved Twiggy, and think she is even lovelier as she has aged! We should all be so lucky …
Valerie says:
50 years, can’t believe it! She was one of my favorites, had all the magazines, I even cut my hair like her’s, looked much better on her! Today, she is still a natural beauty, comfortable with who she is, an original, I think that’s what is most appealing about her. What a FAB suede jacket!
Natalya says:
So that’s Twiggy! I knew about her, but never seen. I grew up in the Soviet Union. She is very charismatic. And I really like your blog!
Andrea johnson says:
Hi there I’ve just started to follow your blog and love it. I studied fashion back in the 70’s and have worked on and off in this crazy field for years. I am constantly looking for good quality,reasonable priced, fashionable items that suit my age group . Twiggy and her M and S collections are an inspiration and your blog just what I have been searching for . I just adore that jacket. Thank you, kind regards Andrea
Jean says:
Thanks for the photos and interview with a forever beautiful woman.
Zanna says:
Has anyone been as inspiring to teenagers as Twiggy was back in the day?
She unsettled a pile of dust bringing fresh air and fashion for the young.We all aspired to be her and I spent hours with the eyeliner and false lashes trying to get the all important look before setting off to some tennis club bash .
I love the way Twiggy has taken on her years with such grace ,I always get the feeling she would be a delight to know and a kind person .
I hope her project with M and S continues to go from strength to strength .These really are wearable flattering pieces for all women.Kate says:
Lovely article. Twiggy has remained dignified and graceful in every aspect of her life, an icon in every respect and someone we should all emulate.
Liz says:
Such a beauty she is! I loved reading this post on her. Had no idea she was so multi talented. Thank you for this Twiggy update.
Jamee says:
Inspiring! Twiggy’s life and accomplishments thus far continue to tell many that beauty comes from within. Though making it BIG from her iconic look, she has overcome her fears to pursue her passions. Maybe this is why she has aged so well? Note taken!
Jill Domecki says:
Love, love this article! I’ve always loved Twiggy and every time I would see her picture it always made me stop and stare. Still see her all over Pinterest. Thanks for the article! j
Lauren Mason says:
I am 52 and I have just started reading your blog. I love it and I have just tried on the Uniqlo pants which are great! I basically wear the same as Twiggy, jeans, blazers, stylish jackets and silk shirts. As I get older I buy less skinny jeans and more boyfriend style pants.
Susan says:
Great article on Twiggy. I have always admired her and like others matured together with her. I think she is every bit as beautiful now. Love the jacket too, if Twiggy can wear it so can I!
Sarah Marriott says:
Twiggy is a great role model..and we all need those, no matter how old we are!
Joan says:
Twiggy has aged so naturally and beautifully. Great source of inspiration for others.
Mary Fran Archer says:
Twiggy continues to reinvent herself and it’s an inspiration for us all.
cw says:
I’ve always loved Twiggy from the time I first started painting my lower lashes on in imitation till now. She must have had outstanding parents to be a public figure for so long and still be down to earth and “normal.” An inspiration. Great clothing line! Hope it comes to the U.S.
I have been a silent follower for a long time and look forward to your posts here and on instagram. This jacket is fabulous and I would were it to death!
It makes me feel so good, and relevant, to see beautiful women of my youth and time as still part of the fashion scene….
gorgeous and interesting. These pictures of Twiggy are hip and fun. Thanks for your blog posts. Always inspiring!Carrie H says:
Love your blog! Twiggy! and the entire collection, especially that jacket!!
Nancy Leeser says:
I LOVE Twiggy – and love that she has remained current and has done so many wonderful and varied things! How can we forget The Boyfriend!
Sarah says:
I share a birthday with Twiggy, I wish I shared her great genes! Lovely interview, thank you Alyson.
Sue says:
Ah yes, the hours spent perfecting the Twiggy look. Painting individual lashes below the eye, trying to get a perfect socket line. “If only I can do this I’ll be like Twiggy” , the dreams of a 15 year old plump adolescent! But since then I’ve followed her career and always been impressed by her talent, beauty and all round niceness. She’s never lost her ease with others, and I always get the sense that she’d be a great woman to have a couple of drinks with … well I can dream. Thanks for the article, bought back great memories.
I love Twiggy, she has aways managed to keep her down to earth personality despite being thrown into the limelight from an early age. It takes a grounded strong person to get through that. She has aways looked amazing from the 60’s iconic pics to the most recent M&S shots. I love the photo you feature of her in 1974, what a lovely, fresh face!
Lovely biker jacket too….ooh would love to win it……fingers crossed! XCarolyn Ganski says:
What a beautiful jacket and a super lovely lady! Thank you for a great blog and fab interview.
Margo May says:
She is such an ambassador for our age group and proof that we do not have to decline into safe clothes… Yes she great bone structure and very pretty but she has so much style ..love these
Marika says:
Twiggy is classic, effortlessly stylish, and only becomes more so as she continues through life. Brilliant!
Susan Zysset says:
Twiggy makes this ex pat proud to be British! That’s Not My Age too!
Margo May says:
Twiggy is such an ambassador for our age group and proof that we do not have to decline into safe clothes any longer .. Will always look at what she models and think yes I could do that … Inspiring role model !
Michelle Green says:
Great interview, love Twiggy and love the jacket! X
Josephine Coote says:
I follow you on insta -feels great that there are other stylish yet not slavish women out there. Also that is a lovely jacket
Yvonne Whittington says:
I have always loved Twiggy, she is an inspiration to all women regardless of age!
Pauline says:
Terrific interview and article – good to see the focus on lifestyle and achievement and less about age categories – progress indeed – please keep them coming.
Angela says:
I’ve recently discovered this blog – interesting posts. I love the jacket and Twiggy!
Colette says:
I love twiggy,that jacket,your Blog and IG.What I don’t love is the jacket is sold out in all sizes on line!!
London Liz says:
Oooh khaki – one of my top colours!!
I was watching Twiggy last night on Who Do You Think You Are – she came across as so down to earth
I think the ‘no cosmetic surgery’ is a great compliment – have the strength of character to no longer be judged just by looking young but instead by being authentic. On another blog I saw some photos from the LFW 50 plus fashion event and all the people in the photo (guests not models) had clearly had work done, as someone who hasn’t quite reached 50 yet I don’t find that inspiring
Ingrid Eglese says:
Oh wow! Her style is the story of my life! Love that she designs so well. Would love the jacket, at 63!
Bee Sharp says:
Re another readers comments about Twiggy obviously not having had any work done, possibly not but the current photos of her are very photoshopped. I have seen her and that is a fact. However she remains a very lovely looking woman. Enduring and
inspirational certainly and very happy in her skin.Jill S says:
Enjoyed the article on Twiggy and catching up on an old “friend”. Growing up, we always wanted the look and those eyes! Fun! Thanks!
Marisa says:
I recall ( aged 8 in 1969) our class being looked after by some ” big girls ” aged all of 11. They terrified us with a dark tale of the perils of ascending an escalator and standing too near that bit at the top where it disappears into escalator land . A girl they knew who was ” really pretty, like Twiggy ” had been flattened in this tragic manner .
I still feel a frisson at the top of the escalator at Green Park to this day .Amy B. says:
Twiggy was a leading figure in the British Invasion that shaped my youth. What the Beatles were to music, she was to style. The past paled by comparison; Twiggy’s stylish 60s brought us dynamism and energy and a vision of how we might go forward. It seems she is still doing that. What fun to read your interview and to see the photos. Thank you for your blog. And yes, that’s a really great jacket.
Lizz says:
Just found your Instagram looking for inspiration on how to look good but stylish at 50 (just about to happen). Your site and Twiggy are just what I needed to see! The jacket looks fab. and I’m off to the MnS site now. Thanks.
Helena says:
I love what she’s done with her fame and fortune. It’s lovely to know her…share this journey we are all on! And, yes, I love the jacket!
Rosie McLaughlin says:
Love twiggy, love the blog, love M&S and love the jacket.
Kim says:
When I was 16 I used to go to bed at night and pray that I woke up as Twiggy the following day!!!! I prayed hard but it just never happened!!!! The reason I adore Twiggy today as much as I did all those years ago is because her fame and fortune have never changed her. She’s still totally down to earth and adorable. She hasn’t adopted any affectations, she still looks ‘real’ and she still has that naughty laugh…………..!!!! Long may she reign.
Kay says:
Gorgeous Twiggy. Certainly takes me back to my teens. She is ageing beautifully. Very nice Jacket.
Gaye says:
Does Twiggy secretly have a portrait growing older in an attic, Dorian Gray style? She looks fantastic! #goal!
marian says:
Surely even the people who say ‘If you can remember the ’60’s you weren’t there’ can remember Twiggy and her influence on fashion and style.
Sharon Weblin says:
Twiggy has looked good at every stage of her life and has always been true to herself. She comes across as genuine, warm and funny and has always been an inspirational role model, for me anyway.
Iona williams says:
She’s a fantastic British fashion icon and M&S are very lucky to have her input , great giveaway, fingers crossed xx
Caroline says:
I love the way your blog features so many interesting articles and inspirational women. Twiggy looks gorgeous!
Keep up the good work as it’s an antidote to the many bland fashion blogs out there!Marion says:
You’ve met Twiggy!!?? How lucky you are! When I was 16 and living in New Zealand my bedroom was covered in photos of her. I longed to look like her. I wanted to be her!
Both beautiful. Yes, at 64 y.o. I ‘d love to wear this jacket.
Jessica says:
Great article, cool blog, and fabulous jacket. Thanks for the giveaway.
Sue says:
Twiggy has that carefree look that’s very natural and appealing. Plus, the mod style she modeled in the sixties are timeless.
Nanette says:
So wonderful to see Twiggy, who has looked beautiful at all ages!
Karen says:
Recently started to follow your blog and enjoy it. Thank you for highlighting strong, beautiful women.
Cheers.Loved her then (she launched when I was about 12, so she made a huge impression) and love her now. A fashion icon for certain. xox
http://notdeadyetstyle.comkay skinner says:
I’ve always aspired to look like Twiggy – she always looks so effortlessly relaxed. Perhaps I will be that like when I grow up (I’m 52 and 5 foot 2 tall so it might take a while!) x
Mary says:
What a great post about Twiggy. I loved her back in the day and wondered what she had been doing all these years. Now I know! And I love the leather jacket!
Twiggy – a great icon for all women always current , always feminine but always with a twist of individuality. Fab
Susan says:
I have always loved Twiggy!!!! She is even more beautiful!!!! Love the jacket, would love to win it.
Love your blog and book!!!!
Marilyn Lowe says:
I’m 2 years older than Twiggy and have followed her since the 60s. Always an inspiration.
Caroline says:
What a fabulous career & such a lovely lady.
Yep, truly an icon!Kathleen says:
I’m nearly Twiggy’s age and love seeing photos of her now! She was definitely part of the landscape of my youth. The biker jacket is fantastic and I’m impressed how Twiggy’s career has morphed.
Bja Barsanti says:
Thank you for the informative article on Twiggy! Love that she is still in the fashion industry and creating her timeless classics for all women!
Great opportunity to win a classic jacket! Thanks again! BjaA Trenchard says:
Twiggy is a fantastic ambassador for stylish clothes and that suede jacket is fab. The colour really suits fair British complexions!
Paula Jensen-Holm says:
Twiggy was our pin-up girl when I was a teenager. Everyone was inspired by her style and wanted to look like her. We painted eyelashes on our lower lids and I had my hair cut like hers. Unfortunately for me I looked nothing like her but my besr friend was tall, slim, blond and British so she did well!
Brenda says:
Twiggy is still gorgeous! I have always loved her style. Thanks for the interview!
Sally says:
What a beautiful jacket! It would go with any style and everything. I enjoy your blog, thank you for the chance to win.
Can it really be 50 years? Wow! She is still gorgeous and, oh my gosh, I love that jacket!
Gina Giltner says:
I’ve always admired Twiggy. She seems so genuine and likeable. Love the Mod 60’s!
Linda Hess says:
Such a wonderful article! I, too, recall the days of Twiggy. Its wonderful to see she has remained in the fashion industry.
Mademoiselle Odile says:
That first portray in black and white is perfection.
Tami says:
I adore women who are aging graciously! Thank you for the blog —- your writing makes me feel normal! Oh! and the jacket is so beautiful!
Trish says:
Love Twiggy-I hit my teens in the late 60s and was lucky enough to travel from Germany to London in 1969 and see some of the fashions firsthand. She is still so lovely!
Allison Wonderland says:
I was mesmerized y the first pics I was of her. I was what would now be called a tweener and she shaped how I looked at fashion and what I’ve worn since then.
APB says:
Thank you Alyson for the entertaining and informative articles! I stumbled across your blog and bought your book shortly after turning 50! It was perfect timing as I was starting to feel blue about it all. You’ve helped me find my confidence again!
Ana Falla says:
Alyson, I love your articles. And thank you for the chance to win a beautiful jacket.
Sheryl says:
Love love love the jacket. Would love to have it. Love Twiggy and her look.
maple says:
found your site a few days ago when searching for blogs about style after 50. thank you for providing an oasis in a sea of youngsters and frumpsters. your blog is delicious! cute coat and fun to read twiggy article.
maple says:
maybe i should have said “a life raft in a sea of youngsters and frumpsters!” and i could add trumpsters, since i live in the US. yikes! 🙂
Elizabeth C. says:
Lovely to see Twiggy in her prime and still creating and making her mark in fashion. Love the jacket and love all the pictures.
Cynthia Montgomery says:
Twiggy, the classic beauty. The jacket is classy too. Love it!
Larisa says:
Such an icon! Great role model too. Would love to give one of those suede coats a good home.
Sandra Camillucci says:
Such good memories ~ my beautiful mother’s nickname when I was a little girl in the 1960s was “Twiggy”. She was very slim and rocked the mini skirt and boots look. She had to take in the boots to fit her slim legs. I still think both Twiggy and my mom are amazing, gorgeous ladies! Cheers!
Lin Backstrom says:
Great fun to read about your life, remember being in awe of you as a teen and see you all grown up!
Caroline Lamont says:
The beauty of the natural 60 something Twiggy is as inspiring as the images that first brought her fame. Enchanting.
tracy says:
what an amazing jacket, twiggy is such an inspiration to all of us ladies of a certain age ! these posts are so helpful, I love love love them !
Tonja says:
I LOVE this jacket! Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win one!
Jill Harvey says:
An ageless beauty… A great role model as my 60th birthday approaches… Such grace and style!
Chris says:
I have grown up with Twiggy. She is someone I look up to and I love the way she is so approachable. You could imagine having a coffee with her and a good old chat. Thanks for the giveaway, if I won I would never take that jacket off.
Mandy says:
What a woman! She’s seen so much, met so may amazing people and is such an icon. My fave image of her is the Bowie Pin Ups album cover…. they looked so perfect together. 🙂 Love your blog TNMA – it gives me the confidence to keep on making the effort!
Carol says:
Twiggy is a true role model. She inspires me to be take better care of myself. Icons of her era have had to contend with so much male domination & yet have been able to be true to their own principles. Twiggy never sold herself short & seemed to be proud of who she was never resorting to selling out her principles or those of feminity in general. She looked fabulous in the 60’s and more so now, giving us all the confidence to emulate her knowing we too can be beautiful in our own way. Most models seem only to belong to capital cities whereas Twiggy has always felt relevant to me even though I live in the Midlands! Thanks Twiggy.
kate says:
hi. I’m a reader from New Zealand. I bought your book last time I was in London and I love it. Twiggy and this blog make ladies of a “certian age” . happy- its such a revelation to see fashionable colourful flattering clothes – anad not an elastic waist or a a pair of mom jeans in sight. I buy a lot of Twiggys clothes and have some of her amazing jackets. Im coming to London in a few weeks and will head to M&S for another twiggy fix. I would love to win the jacket ( and collect in person) that Khaki colour is such a flattering colour on blondes!. Keep up the great work. Fashion should be fabulous not frumpy ! Kate
Hello – Way back in the 60’s I was a model in London and found myself on the same catwalk as Twiggy, once !! I was actually a ballet student at the time and modelling was my means of support, so I didn’t expect to meet any of the big names. I remember Twiggy arriving at the location announcing “I’m oily”. We all thought she had just been for a massage but what she was saying was “I’m early”. Yes – she was always down to earth, never changed her accent and was indeed a “trouper”. The best kind.
I now find her inspiring in this part of our 60’s life ! Thank you Twiggy.
Bizz, bizzz,
from ParisWow – i had a jacket cut a little like that in the 70s, khaki green too. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately! Lovely interview and some wonderful photos.
Carmen says:
I remember Twiggy’s great, wide-eyed look! Clearly, it’s stayed with her over the years. Thanks for posting this interview and photos.
Hilare says:
At 70 years old I’m totally a jeans and jacket person. This jacket is hot!
Irene says:
Beautiful woman, beautiful jacket! Twiggy was my icon growing up. It’s lovely to see her now. Thank you for the delightful blog!
Sally Patrick says:
So beautiful, so elegant. Hard to believe it’s 50 years that I first saw Twiggy, gracing the covers of Honey and Petticoat….
Martine Large says:
I don’t always like the M&S Twiggy range (although I LOVE that jacket) but Twiggy is a real ‘not my age’ inspiration – she always seems to have such zest for life.
Andrea Moles says:
If you have style, it is there when you are seventeen , thirty or sixty and Twiggy has it and more. Beautiful collection.
Laurie says:
What a wonderful jacket and what an interesting woman! Thanks!
Wow! Twiggy looks beautiful and fantastic and ..well, she looks as sweet and kind as when she was a 16-year old
It’s funny but you don’t realize how people have an effect on you until many years later! I was ten years old when I first saw Miss Twiggy in fashion magazines. I spent much time with my grandmother and aunt. My aunt always had a ton of fashion magazines–and I would amuse myself by looking through them. One day my grandmother showed me a pic of Twiggy. She was wearing a stripped baby-doll dress, white tights, flats and her face was gorgeous! My grandmother pointed to Twiggy and told me that ALL young ladies should aspire to be like her! I have loved Twiggy ever since! Even though my “Twiggy” hair cut didn’t flatter me, I didn’t care! In my opinion I was an adorable , cross-eyed, uni-browed, dark haired version of the model responsible for my early love of fashion !
Thank you for an update of a grounded and beautiful woman–and for some fun memories of how my grandmother, in her house dress and apron and her heavy brogue announcing the greatness of Twiggy!So many comments just show how much we all love Twiggy. I remember seeing her on a short lived variety show hosted by Bryan Ferry in the early 70s singing What a Wonderful Life. Such a charming and real person. Love that jacket!
Linda Boardman Kerr says:
Twigs has aged beautifully. Love these photos and the interview. Good subject!
So glad when I discover another woman of my age who doesn’t do hairspray and constricting clothes. Twiggy always looks comfortable in her own skin. Good article and I really like the look of this jacket – which will probably sell out quickly after this!
Brooke says:
I’ve always loved and admired Twiggy! (love the jacket too!)
: )She seems so down to earth and I love the jacket, so count me in!
Carol Linington says:
Great interview, Twiggy is still a very lovely woman, & i love the jacket!.
kellly says:
I absolutely idolized Twiggy and copied her look to the point where I got mobbed once by a bunch of girls thinking I was her! I had scrapbooks, tear sheets and her book. She was just THE GREATEST. She still looks absolutely gorgeous and is such a gracious person. Thanks for the interview and pictures. You can be sure I am going to save them because altho my obsession has ended, my admiration for her has not!
Debbie Kerwin says:
I grew up with Twiggy watching and emulating her from magazines. I was thrilled to be able to see her on Broadway and was very impressed, who knew she could act? What a great surprise and lovely evening watching her perform. She looks fabulous, I do wish I aged a well as she has, still a beauty.
lydia says:
Thank you for a chance to win a beautiful jacket. I would like to support all women- especially famous women- in telling the truth about aesthetic improvements, surgical and otherwise. Why do we have to lie?
Linda B says:
Twiggy is a true inspiration, and always has been! I loved this story. (And of course, would adore that jacket!)
Moya Ingold says:
I remember Twiggy from my childhood, she had such a different ‘look’ to everyone else. Great that she is still out there looking fabulous. Go girl.
I was first in my fifth grade class to have a Twiggy haircut. Started a trend. She’s still gorgeous and her clothes look yummy.
I’ve always loved Twiggy. Probably because I was just becoming conscious of “fashion” when she was big. And she made me not so worried about being a “twig” myself. She looks fabulous, doesn’t she?
LB says:
Love Twiggy and hope to mature as beautifully as she has done. The jacket is just gorgeous.
Cassandra says:
Love her attitude, that a full life and working at one’s potential is the best beautifier.
Joanna says:
Wow! That was a blast from the past. I loved reading your interview and finding out what is happening and what is important in Twiggy’s life. I thought she was beautiful as a young girl, but she is even more amazing at 66.
Nancy says:
Love Twiggy! She is just as beautiful today and such a classy lady!
julie says:
Twiggy’s an icon, it’s great to see her looking beautiful and to get an inside glimpse of what life’s been like–what an exciting ride it’s been! Many thanks for another enjoyable post.
What a lovely interview! And a lovely woman. Twiggy was a part of my growing up and brings back memories. Thank you for sharing.
Lina Borrás says:
Dear Twiggy! I hope there is an XL size for the green jacket. I have never had a biker. I am a little bit large breast. I am sure that in my 53rd birthday will be my opportunity. Great style Twiggy!!
Lina from Menorca.Sue B says:
I was scrolling slowly down and immediately recognised Twiggy from only seeing her eyes. She is iconic in the same way as Kate Moss.
Patrish says:
I had a Twiggy haircut in 1972. I still have a version of it today. She is fabulous. Thanks for this great interview.
Rochelle Reed says:
Love you, TNMA. You keep me up-to-date fashion-wise here on the central California coast. My postman wonders why I get so many packages from the UK–they contain clothes you’ve spotlighted, of course. Brava Twiggy (the jacket is very cool) and brava TNMA!
Margey says:
66? Looks great! These outfits are so cute. Wasn’t the scarf pants. And jacket, of course,.
Avril says:
I hope Twiggy can get M and S clothes to greatness again. Certainly the suede jacket seems a lively addition to their range. The clothes are so well made and sensibly priced but at the moment they lack a spark. Her influence could be just what they need. She has such a twinkle in her eye and an obvious delight in the world. Lucky you to have interviewed her.
Elzabeth Hensley says:
Dear Twiggy! How sweet to look back and see her as she was then — fresh, sassy, eager and happy. And now? Not dazzled by fame, not hungry for the glories of the past, but living in the present that she has created for herself. Who knew that a girl made iconic for the beauty she had nothing to do with creating would grow up to be a woman we admire for the person she has become through her own efforts. What a treat to see her again, and thanks for your lovely blog.
Great interview. I’ve always liked Twiggy, ever since seeing her in The Boyfriend in the 70s, she seems very down to earth and has aged very gracefully. Love the jacket too!
martha lewis says:
Always inspiring, thank you again.
Love you as a fashion and confidence role model.
xoCatherine says:
Twiggy is an amazing inspiration. She is beautiful inside and out. I love her new range too.
Jeanie says:
Great article. Lovely jacket. Love your writing, long time reader, first time commenting. Always something to make one think. Thank you.
Lila Piercey says:
What a gorgeous suede jacket! I’m only a few years younger than Twiggy so she was a huge influence on my fashion sense as a young girl. She’s more beautiful now at 66 than she was at 18-truly!
Teresa Lear says:
Love Twiggy, I used to copy her dress patterns to make my own. Beautiful jacket !
Lynnette says:
How marvelous that she is still as beautiful as ever with no extra help. She is a great example for all of us to be happy with ourselves and the aging properties.
KathyB says:
Wonderful article. Twiggy is like a very fine wine. She only improves with age.
Cathey Johnson says:
Natural and truly photogenic! Well done Twiggy, 50 years, a tough industry to endure!
Marianne says:
She’s a lady.
Just like Marianne Faithfull, Jean Shrimpton, Francoise Hardy,
Now That’s My Age!Kim Ratliff says:
Dear Twiggy,
Could I please be you when I grow up? I adore you and always have.
That is all.
Kim RatliffMargaret says:
What a great post! I would have asked about her service station scene in The Blues Brothers! Classic Twiggy!
Leslie in Oregon says:
Thank you for this fascinating update on an icon of my generation. She certainly has developed her many talents. The khaki suede biker jacket is beautiful!
Ohio Wendy says:
I love your approach to style and life. Keep posting inspiration for us 50+ ladies.
Moi says:
Love your blog, love Twiggy, love the jacket. How wonderful of you to be doing a giveaway!
Jennifersko says:
I have a vintage Twiggy Barbie. She’s super cool. Happy to send a photo of her! Thanks!!
Holly says:
I’ve been fascinated by Twiggy ever since I was a little kid in the 60’s and so great to see that she seems normal and down-to-earth. The stories she could tell!
Anna says:
Twiggy is a national treasure. Her collaboration with M&S is a good match. The jacket looks rather lovely.
Maggie says:
Most of us fifty somethings aspire to age as gracefully as Twiggy. She looks amazing.
Love the design of this suede jacket. Suede more flattering than leather.Susan D says:
Twiggy and I are almost the same age – just wish I looked as good as her. Whenever I see her on TV or read interviews I always feel “what you see is what you get”. Such lovely normal lady.
Teresa D says:
Timeless Jacket designed by a timeless Twiggy, what could be better .
Denise says:
Twiggy really does show you can be stylish at any age- she definitely walks the walk and is still a style icon. That photo of Lena Dunham causing all the controversy this week shows her styled as Twiggy. Love your blog- inspiring for everyone!
Helen says:
We are so lucky to be getting older in this era! No longer do we become invisible as soon as we approch 40. Twiggy has led the way in showing us how you can age gracefully and still enjoy fashion! Thanks Alyson for inspiring us yet again!
Anne says:
Love this piece! Wish I still had the Twiggy hooded, concealed zip front, soft pink and beige (like nougat!) wool dress I and my sisters shared (!!!) in the sixties. Beautiful timeless jacket.
Aigul says:
Twiggy and You are great examples of stylish, interesting, involved women. The important thing to me is that it is not all about looks and clothes. It is about feeling good, being strong and making the world a better place for everyone, especially women! Because women care and nurture!
Thank you for your blog,
AigulPat Parkes-Bristow says:
twiggy has always been a heroine of mine – we are of an age. I love that she is still a fashion icon
Karen Watkins says:
Really enjoyed article on twiggy such an inspiration hope I’m lucky fab jacket, nice mums days gift
Hilary Fisher says:
When I was young I wanted to BE Twiggy. She was just so cool …. and STILL IS! Love the jacket. I hope I am one of the lucky ones! Thanks for your blog. I enjoy reading all your posts Alyson.
Lea says:
A great role model. So natural and stylish. Love the hair Twiggy. ditto TNMA x
So pleased to see Twiggy still rocking it! She still has such a fresh look, great style and attitude. Good article.
Lisa says:
Alyson – you and Twiggy are marvelous examples of how to age with grace and style. Thank you for the inspiration!
MarieP says:
She looks much better now, in my opinion, than she did at the height of her modeling career. Her face has such presence. And that suede jacket is just perfect.
debbi siebert says:
Twiggy was a favorite of mine in my teens and it’s great to read she is still in the business and as fashionable as ever.
Mary says:
I am one year older than twiggy, at sixteen I was following her trend for my clothing and fifty one years later I am following her again! She is amazing.
I must say so are you and your blog thank you.
MaryLiz Jenks says:
A wonderful trip down memory lane. I am four years older than Twiggy and remember her arrival on the fashion scene. What a girl, eh. To be much admired for her oomph and ability to succeed. May she live forever.
Rach with an E says:
Been following TNMA for a couple of years but never posted before… The power of something for nothing!! I wasn’t going to comment, because khaki wasn’t my colour, but since letting my hair go grey, I’ve found it suits me again and recently bought a TopShop knit which is fab. So here I am at 52 wearing a colour I never wore in my younger days. It’s not all bad, this growing older thing! Can we see the winner in the jacket, Allyson?
Hannah H says:
Fabulous woman and fabulous jacket! Love the photos too x
Anne says:
Love, love, love Twiggy! She looks fabulous. Wanted to be her in the 60s but today would rather be the best me.
Anita says:
Growing up in India , Twiggy was the first western model I had ever heard of or seen. Classic woman!
Linda says:
Stylish and versatile, a must have item to see you through any season and any occasion.
Di says:
Thank you so much for these inspirational pics of Twiggy, her sense of style and her elegance exemplifies ageless beauty and class.
M & S have just started marketing online in Australia, and I look forward to seeing more of Twiggy’s collection there.Rosie Lee says:
Love your blog and Twiggy’s style. This jacket would be a great start to my early retirement wardrobe!
Jan says:
I remember seeing Twiggy interviewed by Michael Parkinson, she was honest and down to earth. She came across as a lovely person and I love her work with Marks and Spencer.
Maggie says:
As a skinny teenager in the early ’60’s, I was embarrassed that I didn’t have the curves of the popular girls. When Twiggy came along and thin became in vogue, what a boost to my confidence!
Would love the jacket!
MariAnne says:
Love Twiggy – always have! Would love love love to win her jacket!
Jan Knott says:
I love being me, and hope that the way I age is reflecting that. Twiggy really is a true inspiration to all women!
Sandy Koenig says:
It is so good to hear how happy you are and you look lovely.
Renee Piper says:
I turned 50 last week. Finding your website was a blessing. I love your posts and am excited to continue the journey of beauty and fashion as I age.
Karen Willis says:
More beautiful than ever! She is aging like a fine wine. Classic.
Shelli Mansfeld says:
Twiggy – so evocative of the sixties, my year and a half spent in London in 1967; the look – mini skirts and long white boots. Vidal Sassoon haircuts, Cilla Black, Mary Quant, Jean Shrimpton, loads and loads of black mascara, eyeshadow and pale pale lipstick. Oh my goodness – it really was OUR age.
Hi again – I want to also say I loved the picture of her at the start of this article and remember it as a photoshoot for the clothes brand Kaliko. Guess what I immediately went and bought it, I was the same age as she was then and again “guess what” I still have it and still wear it and it still looks good. I love the jacket and look forward to wearing that too, ha ha.
Bizzz, bizzz, from France,
SwanCharlene Johnson says:
I love how Twiggy has evolved over time, but still keeping her unique spark. She merges innocence and freshness with modernity and sophistication to this day. Love, love, love the jacket!
Kathleen Q says:
Love her since the 60’s…had my hair just like her in high school. Only pray I have aged as well as she has…just exquisite !
60s Vintage says:
Twiggy emulates such sex appeal through fashioning an elective range of fabrics and bohemian flair throughout the decades. A timeless beautiful model entice the viewer’s eyes how to have fun with added accessories and displaying various looks with such vivid imagination. What indulgence of styles, abstract to elegance….The ultimate glam girl from the 60s
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Love Twiggy! Great article and your blog is tops!