Would you give up makeup?
— by Alyson Walsh
What is it with this zero makeup trend? – writes Vicci Bentley. Fair enough, January’s the month when we all go detox ditsy, but purging ourselves of colour seems extreme. And it’s not just models and celebrities on Instagram (#nomakeup), Sheila Hancock, 83 has made a stand against piling it on for HD cameras and refuses to wear a stitch for her latest film, Edie about a veteran mountain climber. (She does however, look pretty damned groomed alongside Dawn French in Sky’s excellent Delicious). Apparently Helen Mirren too, goes bare-faced when she’s not on the red carpet, or in a l’Oreal ad. Er, as you do….
But sorry, I won’t be going ‘face bare, don’t care’ any time soon. I’ve never regarded makeup as a mask, more an extension of personality and mood. Makeup may become more restorative, less creative as we get older, but god, it’s still good, creative fun. And isn’t that the point?
I totally get the backlash to the trashy Kardashian-style sculpting, strobing and mega-glossing plastered all over the ‘net. As older women, we owe it to ourselves not to go there, lest we come across all pantomime dameish. (Although come to think of it, ‘look behind you’ is never a bad mantra where the back of your hair’s concerned, but I digress). The more makeup you pile onto lined, uneven skin, the more it will pool awkwardly in creases. The trick here is to use a primer, steer clear of heavy cream textures, use brushes and blend like hell – especially if you don’t want your lipstick to puddle in your pucker lines.
Can I just say here that my mother, who lived to be 100 loved a slick of lippie to the end? Because it made her feel brighter, she sat and stood that bit straighter. She was of that generation who believed that wearing lipstick was every bit as decent as putting on your hat and coat. She’d been through WW2 when makeup was not merely a morale-booster, but a patriotic act of putting on a brave face.
We’re so very fortunate that we’re as old as we are, now. Age is becoming so much less of a taboo, so keeping up appearances doesn’t have to mean striving to look younger or even sexier. It’s our choice – we can slap up to please ourselves – or not – without seeking approval. Nor do we need clinical studies (and there have been many) to tell us that a lick of paint makes us feel better.
Call me delusional, but I swear I focus better with mascara than bleary eyes.
Discussion (83 Comments)
- Kirstie Millar says:
Very persuasive arguments. Now I’m off to put some mascara on.
- 57 & going easy says:
At 55 I gave up all but lipstick (& for special times a slight eyeliner on top outer edge of eyes & a touch of mascara to centre top lid). With glasses its too tricky to neatly line a lid; liquid makeup emphasises lines & I’m tired of ‘applying chemicals only to remove them later with other chemicals’. That was triggered by reading nail polish & remover ingredients.
BUT going grey gracefully was just too erk on me… so I’m attached to my hairdresser and her dyes.
Just lately lippy is migrating into purse lines. Any tips for that please?- Little Brown Bird says:
Clear lip liner works to stop lipstick feathering or migrating. I’ve also found that Lanolips is excellent for conditioning lips to keep them soft or at least less dry.
- Stephanie says:
God No. Very very rarely do I leave the house without some sort of makeup on. Now I don’t layer it on; light foundation, powder, eyeshadow, Mascara. Maybe Blush and lippy if I remember. Makes me that wee bit more confident.
I reckon this is why my skin is better than my two sisters that never wore or wear makeup.
- RetroChicMama says:
As a Make-Up Artist I can say with complete confidence that Cindy Crawford is in fact wearing make up! Concealor & powder for sure & probably base too albeit a light one. It makes me laugh when bloggers & celebs take no make up selfies as if they’re doing something brave. I mean seriously? You should see the state of me on the school run every morning, most of the time I haven’t cleaned my teeth let alone put brushed my hair or put make up on! Such a load of nonsense, don’t they have a worthy cause to promote?
As for actors not wearing make up to be in character, sure it’s done occasionally but HD cameras are incredibly precise & the final word always comes from the director. Of course make up is also used to make the actor look worse than her usual self if the role requires it, perhaps that’s what Sheila Hancock is referring to.
In my opinion less is more especially the older we get. That’s not at all to do with colour, it’s purely the amount of make up. When heavily applied it is very aging. I’ve always been a fan of the natural look especially now that I’m approaching 50.- RedLou says:
Thanks, Retrochicmama. The ‘pretend-no-make-up’ selfies really irritate me, too. It’s just another way of making ordinary women feel inferior, masquerading as modernity or singularity. And totally agree re: less is more as you get older. I find I spend longer on the application but apply less. And the consistency has changed, from powder eyeshadows to Mac’s pro long-wear pots, for e.g.
- Danish Pastry says:
I’ve never worn a lot of make-up, working in a hospital I think too much make-up (like perfume) is a big no no in that environment. Off duty I wear more, but usually neutral.
I definately agree it’s more about applying less, more carefully. I still wear the eye shadow that enhances the green of my eyes, but stopped wearing foundation probably in my 30’s. Lipsticks are transparent and quite often clinique chubby sticks or Eight Hour tinted lip balm. Oh and a spritz of water to stop looking too powdery works wonders!
- Eleanor Miller says:
My family all laugh at me because I can’t leave the house without lipstick and mascara!!! So no way would I give up my colour ,with white hair( which I love) the rest of me needs a lift. So no I would not give up a little help from the non animal tested products I use and love.
- Cathy says:
Yes, absolutely. I stopped wearing any make-up a few years ago and feel “liberated”.
- Heather Cupit (H) says:
I am interested in make-up but often disappointed. I try to find the best light coverage for my ageing skin but there’s been no magic formula so far. However, the beat goes on and I haven’t given up trying new foundations. I do have make-up free days and always enjoy the end of those days when less remover is required! Moisturiser is a must, though – never a day without.
- Cathy says:
Oh my goodness, even the thought of no make-up makes me apoplectic with horror! I never ever leave the house without make-up. In fact, I’m never IN the house without make-up. Make-up takes years off you, applied correctly. The ‘natural’ look is not a good one. I’ve yet to see a woman, young or old, who looks better without make-up, Seriously. It can enhance, it can hide. But there’s emphasis on the ‘applied correctly’. It does have to be age-appropriate (so no heavy eye-liner and those ghastly ‘nude’ lips). I aim to be buried with my Chanel lipstick. 🙂
- Theresa says:
Never…moisturizer, light silky foamy foundation, creamy rouge on my nose (just a little bit), berry color lipstick .and Cindy Joseph’s Boomstick Color.
and all the above are applied lightly…and do look “natural”…
I’ll never give them up, including coffee, men and foreign film.Theresa
- Joanna says:
I wear very little makeup. I absolutely require mascara, as my blonde lashes look nonexistent without it. I like to use a tinted BB cream. It’s simple with cream, spf, and a small amount of tint all in one, blended with a sponge. Easy peasy! And, I do like a lipstick, usually in a plum. It takes little time and I’m out the door. Overall, it’s a pretty natural look. If I had to give it all up except one, I would keep my mascara.
Do whatever you want. Wear it, don’t wear it! Whatever makes YOU happy. Right?! - Susan James says:
Agreed! I too am tired of being told to ‘stop doing things’. Rubbish! I’m 51 and believe I have earned the right to say back off! Great post !
- Julie says:
Heather Culpit, have you tried Lancome’s Miracle Cushion, its in a compact (you just replace the foundation when needed), it’s the lightest one I’ve found, I’m 57 and love makeup but hate heavy foundation, as others say less is definitely more as you get older! To me it makes me feel “dressed” and ready to face the day, could never go without, would frighten people to death lol, makeup all the way for me, just it!
- Heather Cupit (H) says:
No, but thank you for the tip. I did try one compact foundation but found it a bit drying. But I will take a look.
- Catherine Hokin says:
I am 55 and am firmly in the make-up camp, even when the only person who sees me is me. I’m a writer and work from home and I don’t feel like I’m working till I’m dressed, which means make-up as well. Yes to primer, it’s fab – I buy colour correcting anti-aging foundation from the States (thank you ebay) as they do amazing ranges and I blend and blend. But I’m not giving up my Urban Decay glitter eyeliner for anyone, I plan to be buried in it. Bugger age-appropriate.
- Anna K says:
I’m pretty well housebound caring for my disabled husband so going out is like planning the D-day landings. Indoors, I always wear a bit of makeup – tinted moisturiser, a slick of blusher, dusting of eyeshadow and always, always lipstick. and a squirt of nice scent. It sets me up for the day, gives me confidence and the feeling that I’m on top of things, and, I hope, gives my husband something nice to look at.
- betsy says:
Your ‘voice’ is wonderfully irreverent and refreshing, always! I never wore makeup until I hit 60 and simply like how I look with it now. simple.
- Sandra Smith says:
Frighten people to death? I’d frighten myself to death. Eyebrows and lashes if nothing else. As far as my hair,wardrobe and make up go, I do exactly as I please, but on make up less days and there are just a few, I feel scruffy and unfinished.
I look better with make up……the end!!
- Ann says:
Excellent post. I’ve been considering this issue recently too. I do wear less makeup these days because, at 71 years old, makeup doesn’t always make me look better. You’ve inspired me to find a good makeup artist for a consultation about makeup that actually enhances my looks. Of course, the challenge is finding a *good* makeup artist — not someone who’s selling makeup.
- Maria says:
If you are in or can get to London, I recommend Anna Paolozzi
- Jane says:
Full face of make up every day here. Bright lipstick is my gesture of defiance to the world. My mum also wore lipstick to the last, stopping only at 97 when her heart stopped beating. She used to tell me I looked ill without my slap and, the older I get, the more I know she was right. I do it for me and don’t care a stuff what anyone else thinks.
- Maureen says:
Sometimes I venture into the garden without any make up. Clearly the very lucky people who are able to feel great without any don’t have a nose which is often bright red from rosacea or lips so pale that people check my pulse in the very rare occasions I’m without lippie. I’ve never taken much notice of celebrities with razor sharp cheekbones and genetic good luck with their skin think I should do with my face, not going to start now….
- jodie filogomo says:
Even my mom who’ll be 79 next week wears makeup, so I’m sure that’s where I learned that it can make up look better.
Certainly I don’t wear it everyday if I’m not going out in the public, but why not try to look better if we can?
Especially as we get older, our coloring seems to fade so much, so our makeup can do wonders!!
I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks this way!
http://www.jtouchofstyle.com - Fran says:
I agree with the makeup artist above who wrote that Cindy Crawford is wearing makeup in the photo. She manages to look good without any added color 🙂
But I prefer some color added to my own face, and for me it’s a creative way to start the day; I’m still always experimenting with new products and ways of applying things. If I didn’t enjoy the process or the end result, I wouldn’t bother, but I for me it’s a lot of fun.
I don’t agree with prescriptions for what’s ‘age-appropriate’ with makeup (except that I hate to see pre-pubescent girls wearing it other than to play in!). What doesn’t work on one person’s face might look fabulous on someone else. So I go ahead and try all kinds of bright and unconventional colors, glitter, and shine to figure out what I like on me. After all, it washes right off! Someone who doesn’t enjoy playing with their makeup as much may prefer to have a few colors and products on hand that they know they feel comfortable and stick with them. And someone else may see it all as a complete waste of time and money, and that’s fine, too! After all, it’s only makeup 😉
- Step says:
Eek! I don’t want to frighten small children or passing dogs so I never go without make up outside or at home for that matter.
- Margaret Overton says:
First I went completely gray, and I get more compliments than I ever did when I colored my dirty blond hair. Now I’ve stopped wearing makeup with the exception of a bright lipstick. I call it my “refugee from an Ingmar Bergman movie” look! It’s remarkably freeing. The key is to have a great haircut and a positive attitude. At 58, I am over makeup.
- Heidi A. K. says:
1) Selfies don’t really show what the naked eye sees. I’m unimpressed by celebrities posting them. (Maybe some do it as a pre-emptive strike, as they are often stalked by paparazzi these days hunting for an unflattering shot. It’s both about ego and control.)
2) I understand the desire to remind yourself that you don’t have to wear make-up, even if you are female. However, if you are a figure of glamour, why suddenly zero make-up? Alicia Keys, for example, is an exceptionally beautiful woman. If she wanted to send a reassuring message to average Janes, it doesn’t work. Plus she still expresses herself through clothing and hairstyle choices.
3) Even one of my personal role models for aging (among other things) obviously wears lipstick for portaits. I refer to Jane Goodall.
I’ve never worn much make up and that remains the case. Post-menopause, I wear more however… some light spot coverage, a blush stick, tinted balm and eyeliner. Some days I even curl my lashes and add mascara. If you keep living, you get old… but you don’t have to look bland or unkempt… just because it’s natural or easy or whatever.
So despite my plain aesthetic… I’d never give up on some artifice.
- Heidi A. K. says:
BTW, I’ve just reviewed my comment. I’m going to stop insulting all the Janes out there by alluding to the “plain Jane” phrasing. Jane, like Mary and Susan… is a beautiful name. It just got overused… plus it rhymes with “plain”. A big sorry to all of you… including the ones who might look like Jane Mansfield.
- Jane says:
It doesn’t bother me in the slightest! I’ve lived with plain Jane for 63 years now and am impervious to it, to the extent of not even noticing.
- Julia says:
I have worn make up since I was about 15 – many years ago! During the 70’s when I got involved in the Women’s Movement I briefly went bare faced – silly me bowing under the pressure from what should have been supportive acquaintances, but that’s another story! However, it didn’t last long as so many people asked me if I was ill!
It’s definitely got less over the years and I am continually trying to pare down to the absolute minimum – I can’t see me ever giving up mascara, a light base and lipstick though.
Thank you all for your great comments. - Julia says:
Having looked closer do I detect some filler in those lips? Totally negates the whole ‘look at me bare faced’ thing? - Gretchen says:
I enjoy wearing makeup and agree it can be fun, empowering, and soothing (just like choosing clothes or perfume or music). Yet, I find I wear it only infrequently although I have an inordinate amount. Most of the women in my office don’t wear it, I don’t feel the need to wear it to cover anything, and (like putting up my hair rather than take the time to wash and blow it out), that’s time I can spend sleeping or doing something else. When I do wear makeup, it’s usually anything but mascara or eye shadow. With glasses and sensitive skin, it’s more trouble than it’s worth, as much as I like the effect.
- Annie G says:
I have never been much of a make-up fan (apart from those early teen years when I haunted Boots counters and experimented, as you do) probably because I was genetically granted good skin and a naturally rosy colour to my cheeks. Always put some on if I am going somewhere that requires a bit of titivating but generally do not bother. Bright lipstick makes me look like an old hooker but I am going to teach myself to use eyeliner properly this year, just for fun. My mother never leaves the house without her face on at almost 89. Fair do. All I would really say is this: change your make-up as you get older. What might well have suited you in 1987 just makes you look bizarre now. Especially kohl-eyes. My preferred look? A bit of summer sun and a dash of pale lippy. Most importantly – it doesn’t matter. Please yourself. Your face.
- Suz says:
Funnily when I was younger, I really only wore makeup for special events or going out in the evenings. A few years ago I stopped dyeing my hair and chopped it off as soon as it had grown out to an inch (or two), so very short. At that time I felt like I should try a little makeup and I never looked back. Not lots, cc cream (or bb cream- I forget haha), fill in my eyebrows and mascara. For special occasions I may add lipstick and/or eye shadow.
As always, whatever works for the individual is fine!!!
I agree with the others that many of the no makeup looks still have some makeup.
Thank you for a great post and I love your blog!
Suz from Vancouver - Sarah Ford says:
I wear a lot less make up than in my 20’s but only because my skin is in a lot better condition than it used to be. I eat well, cleanse, tone and serum/moisturise twice a day. For work, I use a light skin tint (Liz Earle) which is not chalky or powdery and occasionally a slick of mascara. Going out I will put on some liquid liner or some neutral or grey shadow and usually a nude lip. However, did experiment with a bright orangy red lip a few weeks ago for a night out – first time ever! I felt very self conscious as it felt so bright but loved it by the end of the evening.
- Lisa says:
ALL of those celebrities have had work done! Cindy Craword, Christy Brinkley. If you’re in the field it is very obvious. It’s a little infuriating when they tout their products as “working for them”. It may sound trite but it always makes me feel a bit betrayed.
- Anita says:
I’m 58 and I always use kohl… my eyes look like those of a dead fish otherwise. Plus a spritz of perfume and moisturizer and earringsALWAYS!
MY 91 year old MOTHER still uses lipstick as well…….THATS IT!
I have noticed If I am dressed I just feel better about myself and the day is BRIGHTER!
GUESS who is showing up in LONDON! - Mary says:
I’m 66…rarely wear more than moisturizer and lipstick any longer. Decided makeup is something that’s used to make us feel “not good enough”. There are so many messages out there directed to women, and now men to get us to buy stuff so we feel better about ourselves. Never going to work…it has to come from inside. I have a twin sister who has had cosmetic surgery, doesn’t enjoy food because she could get fat, and wears makeup, but she’s not happy. I call myself the unimproved version to myself, but guess what…I’m happy as is.
- Elaine says:
I’ve always been a minimalist where makeup is concerned, but I feel naked without mascara and with my very pale complexion, I definitely look better when I add a bit of blush or bronzer.
- Laura says:
I don’t wear much makeup now that I’ve entered my 60’s. I use a primer and then put on a very light coat of makeup, it evens my skin tone, a touch of blush and lipstick. But I think it is so easy for celebrities to go on a makeup ban because you know they are getting the best skin treatments and services offered by excellent dermatologists. If your skin looks like perfection you don’t need makeup. If your eye lids have no wrinkles or any sagging skin and you are wide eyed, maybe no mascara is fine. However I do think a touch of color on cheeks and lips is a must.
- Melanie says:
If I had a styling team and lighting team and professional photographer, I would still look 1,000 times better with no makeup than I do wearing makeup without all the on-set help. No filters, no edits, no makeup – rrrright. It makes me happy to wear makeup when I go out. I agree 100 percent that it’s a creative touch. Blue brows? Why not? But in a sophisticated way. Heh. For now we have the freedom to wear it or not – that’s worth celebrating!
- Cheryl says:
Last year when I had my 6oth birthday, I had never worn foundation. Only liner mascara and lipstick. It wasn’t a conscious choice as much as a lack of skill. This year, just in time for my 61st I’ve discovered BB cream, which is almost foolproof. It’s fantastic and I’m never giving it up. Better late than never … has never been more true!
- Jane Dalea-Kahn says:
Where to begin? Great comments! Yes, supermodels like Christie and Cindy C. easy to go without makeup when you’ve had ‘work done’ and have the body and cheekbones of an alien. Yes, too much makeup can, ironically make one look older, as one is trying to look younger. Yes, giving up on it all together is ‘freeing’ but yes, a touch of concealer, blush, mascara and lipstick can really do WONDERS. The question is, why throw the baby out with the bathwater? Very few women can pull off the no makeup at all look and still look great. But I totally get the “I don’t give a fig anymore” attitude. As with all things, do what makes you feel good about yourself. I’m a Senior Beauty Consultant and I help people look and feel better every single day. The most IMPORTANT thing is to feel energetic and curious about life. Eat well. Love.
- maudie says:
The wonderful thing is that we all have choice. I look way better in makeup but some days I choose not to bother. I wouldn’t dream of going anywhere ‘special’ or formal without my slap but I am perfectly happy to wander up the high street/generally veg.out without wearing any. I enjoy makeup and finding ways of improving my ageing visage – now that all the greys are growing in I seem to have an entirely different face to work with! If anyone mentions that I look ill/ sallow/generally peaky I just tell them it’s just my face without the products! Sod’s law that I always bump into someone I know when looking pasty but c’est la vie!
- C.c.woods says:
Thank you Alyson for your words of wisdom, you are amazing. Makeup is a joy and when used gently enhances beauty. It also has its place as costume ,theater and art. It is as small thing that bring so much value to our lives.
- Roberta says:
I have worn make up for 45 years and mostly enjoyed the heck out of it. I feel a little sad when I remember all of my little Biba pots and Mary Quant sticks, long, long, gone. But makeup has greatly improved in those years, with the addition of silicon and other materials to make foundation so much lighter, lipsticks longer lasting and non-drying, etc. I wear a little MORE makeup now, but look like I’m wearing much less. Terrific lip and eye pencils, primers that really work – these are a few of my favorite things! I stopped wearing eyeshadow during the day a few years ago, but added an all over BB cream and brow mascara. I spend a lot more time cleaning and moisturizing my skin now, and that helps too. I can imagine a point where I give it all up (I’m 58 ), but as someone said once, “Today is not that day.”
- Tiffany says:
Like Roberta above, I actually wear more makeup than when I was younger but it looks like less. Since letting my hair grow out grey, I feel better with more brow definition and I’d never go out without mascara and lippy. Foundation is the one thing I’ve never bothered with – when I was young I had lovely skin (although of course I didn’t realise it at the time!) and now if I wear it it looks awful.
- Mrs. S says:
I don’t wear much make-up to greet my middle-schoolers each morning. Eyeliner, mascara, BB big stick lip color is it for me at 63. When my rosacea or dry eye flares I stop. As a fair, freckled girl growing up in Florida before effective sunblocks hit the market, I endured many painful sunburns each year. Though I have no scars and the pain is gone, the burns I suffered still challenge me today. Red face and skin cancers appear overnight. Quarterly visits to the dermatologist hopefully will catch any serious problems. As a result, I’ve learned to keep my skin care routine simple. Most products I use are from grocery store shelves; ACV, organic coconut oil, tea tree oil, organic raw honey, organic eggs, and hydrogen peroxide. Bobbie Brown Cleansing Oil is helpful during the dry, harsh winters in Minnesota, my adopted home. With these in my arsenal, I’m able to wear makeup most months of the year.
- Caroline says:
I totally agree with Retrochicmama, Fran, Jane, Melanie, and Lisa. Yes, I feel betrayed as well as conned by these photographs. And what about airbrushing or photo-shopping? Living in L.A. one often runs into so-called “celebrities”. I can’t tell you the number of occasions when you do a double-take. You ask yourself, can this really be (blank) when you see stringy hair in need of washing,, pasty and less than clear skin, shadows under the eyes, and on and on. Yes, we all have things to cope with but to then see photographs of these very same people telling us how good they look in their natural state it tests their veracity. Let’s forget them and just do what makes each of us happy with ourselves.
- ana says:
BB cream, blush, Clinique’s black honey lipgloss and mascara (brown or like an eggplant colour which I have read suits green eyes); That’s what I wear to go to work, at home I can´t look at myself in the mirror without lipstick. Now that I have decided not to dye my hair anymore I really need to put some make on, otherwise I look ill! Very interesting article, I have enjoyed reading all the opinions.
- Beverly Pesacov says:
I’ve always been a minimalist but a tinted moisturizer & a little eyeliner eyeliner are basics after shower & teeth brushing. “A little mascara” never quite works on my now sparse lashes; only use for night time events, but don’t look like myself without some eye definition. Always looking for perfect liner; used Lancome waterproof bronze pencil for many years, then I swear they changed the formula & it no longer works.. I try everything, last one I loved was Nars Mornay but they discontinued it :(. Most everything is either too dark or too light or too hard or come right off. Hate pencils I have to sharpen.. never seems to work for me. At the moment using cheapo from Target, Rimmel… love that it is long lasting & goes on nicely but not thrilled with the colors. My other staple is lippy, Bobbi Brown or Chanel neutral & always searching for perfect balms.. my lips are soo dry!
- Sheri says:
I wear much less makeup these days. Special events get some mascara and foundation. But I find a trip to the dermatologist is the best thing for makeup less days. At 54, I need a good facial and a yearly laser treatment and then there is no need for makeup other than when I want it. Sunscreen daily is a must! Have to prevent any more (or future) damage going forward!
- Helen says:
Seems to me it’s just another form of vanity – Look at me how beautiful I really am! It’s just another way celebs and models can distance themselves from us mortals. How perfectly lovely not to need makeup – I would love that! And yes the betrayal is so much worse when other artifice is involved…
- stephanie says:
Yes I completely agree. The ‘no make-up’ selfies are humble bragging pure and simple, fortunately most people can see through the nonsense. As others have said, Cindy is not make-up free in the above photo, not only that but her hair is coloured as are her brows, which are shaped professionally. She has access to the very best of skin care products as well as expensive facials and treatments, and possibly surgery. Likely the picture above is also touched up, certainly it is filtered to smooth out blemishes and lines. Sure she has good bone structure but we could all look pretty decent were we in her shoes financially and with time to spend ‘working’ on ourselves.
- christine says:
I wear makeup occasionally and yes, it is fun. But I have always felt uncomfortable at how it changes me. Sure we are talking brightening and emphasising. But I have also felt uncomfortable at the idea that my own face is not acceptable enough. I am not beautiful or pretty. But I look fine. And I like to be able to recognise myself.
- Dublin Girl says:
Great topic. Rarely leave the house without makeup – concealer & lip colour. Love it. However, at 59, I’ve had to abandon several effective- and expensive, but then they’re all expensive – concealers because I developed an allergy to them. They left me red-eyed. Have had to move to Clinique which is not so good, I find. ALSO I can’t find a red or red/orange lipstick that doesn’t dry my lips out within twenty minutes, even though I moisturise them. I don’t like the shiny finish on the glosses or moisturised tints that come in these stronger colours. I’m using BurtsBees tinted lip balm but it comes in very muted colours. I realise that these are what a friend of mine calls First World Problems but does any of this sound familiar to anyone?
- Bridget says:
I think makeup is fun! I’ll admit when I am staying at home in the house all day, I don’t put on makeup. But I think it’s fun to get ready to go out and make myself look fresher and more finished.
- LB says:
I couldn’t agree more! My 89 year old Nana wouldn’t leave the house without powder and lipstick; my mom and I had to have the funeral director change her lippie when she died. He had her in coral! She’d have haunted me forever. She was a Cherries in the Snow girl…
- Maisie says:
I’ve gone from hating my highly-coloured complexion of my youth to pinching my cheeks to put some colour into them ! I always put on some make-up, usually a Lancome foundation which is really natural looking, a f!ick of powder, always lippy, sometimes a really bright one, other times just lip balm. I could NEVER leave the house with bare lips ! At the moment I can’t use any eyemake-up because of a blocked tear duct that makes my eye run, and eye shadow etc just gets into a claggy mess. ( Anyone else have that problem ? Its common I’m told ) I do miss it , our eyes seem to get smaller as we age, and mascara at least, is a must. Hope to get the problem sorted eventually.
A lot of older women seem to either wear too much make-up or none at all. I try to avoid both extremes ! - junglesiren says:
While I do go out without make-up often, usually I do the “no makeup LOOK” . I never wear lip color and only a bit of blush. No mascara ever (I have long, dark lashes)l, a little concealer around my nose, eyebrow filler, a dab of blush and that’s it. If I’m going “big” I’ll use a sheer foundation and put some eyeliner on. I’m 55 and know how I like to look.
- tracy says:
BB Cream, brow powder, mascara and something on the lips. Sometimes more, sometimes none. I do wear more makeup on my sick days to cover up the tired. No makeup for dr. visits so they can see everything. I do whatever I want and think everyone else should too. I buy less makeup than in my 30’s but it always mich better quality. I do more skincare now than anything.
- maudie says:
Maisie – blocked tear ducts can be cleared much more quickly if you bathe them in a solution of warm water and baby shampoo. Works for me a treat!
- Maisie says:
Maudie- Thanks for the tip, but doesn’t it sting ? Since I’ve had the problem for some time my eye doc is going to try a procedure,about which I haven’t had the nerve to ask for details yet !
- maudie says:
Strangely enough, not at all – I asked my GP that too. (She said rather huffily “the bottle says ‘No Tears'”). It cleans all the eyelashes and surrounding area brilliantly. My tear duct was really swollen and blocked and after under a week the swelling went down along with the awful itching. Worth a try – hope you get it sorted quickly. PS I have problems with super-cheap cosmetics and especially if I use a mascara for too long.
- Mrs Tonia says:
I’m a huge fan of make up to make me look and feel better even if not leaving the house. First thing in the morning lipstick and a spray of perfume and combed hair. I’m in my mid 60s and look washed out without it. I have gone out with just lipstick. Daily routine concealer under eyes and around nose followed by eye shadows and eye pencils, liner, then blusher. What I have modified is wearing foundation. I use the Clinique CC cream if I need to look more done in evenings or Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser over moisturiser. Being of the pro makeup disposition I wear it to swim in and go to gym. It makes me feel I like more like me.
- Mrs Tonia says:
Advice on good concealer brand : I use two one called Line Concealing concealer by Clinique. This is a wand one with good coverage, shade 03 moderately fair. It can be used on cheeks as well as under eyes. I also use Secret Concealer by Laura Mercier. Good coverage and non irritating. Under lipstick I wear Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream in a tube called Nourishing lip balm. It comes in tinted versions but I use the natural one with SP protection. Then lipstick on top again either Clinique or Laura Mercier. Minimal perfume, non-drying and if used over Eight hour cream works well on sensitive skin.
- Mrs Tonia says:
I forgot to mention I especially love wearing eye make up now because I had retinal surgery three years ago for a retinal hole. Most unpleasant with long recovery including months of daily eye drops, three types. Even during this regime I still used under eye concealer and reintroduced shadow and pencil liner as soon as I could. I did not feel right without it. Once I was allowed full eye makeup again I embraced it. Retrospectively many commented how much better I looked, much less wan and ill looking with my usual amount. I now regard it as a treat to be able to wear make up as I please.
- Jill Ann says:
Maisie & Maudie: I have been instructed by my ophthalmologist to apply a warm moist compress to my eyes daily, to be followed by a baby shampoo scrub of the lids/lashes. Apparently I have thick oil in my eyelid oil glands and that can cause plugged tear ducts. So the baby shampoo is a pretty common remedy, & it doesn’t sting. There are also lid wipes you can buy, but the shampoo is cheaper & easier.
- Theresa says:
Will you ever visit NYC and get us altogether for a workshop, discussion group or whatever?Be good to yourself.
- Winsome says:
All I get from this whole #nomakeup thing is the feeling that we’ve all been taken for a ride. For YEARS, the likes of Ms. Crawford have been telling us that we could be “like them” if only we used this or that makeup. Now, it seems we were all alright as we were all along..!
Also, whenever I see an “unretouched”photo, all I can think is “girl, you look rough!” All of these celebs look like escapees from a refuge for battered wives:all dark circles and puffy eyes. Which makes me wonder how much make-up they’ve been labouring under all these years.
I don’t see Garnier/MAC/L’Oreal, etc. going out of business, anytime soon, do you? So I suppose it’s true what they say about there being no such thing as natural beauty..! - Victoria Green says:
Absolutely agree Vicci. We can’t all look like Ms Crawford unfortunately, nor can most of us afford all the beauty treatments, facials and very expensive skincare products she undoubtably invests in to look that good ‘au naturel’ There’s nothing that makes me feel more pulled together and on top of things than a bit of foundation and mascara… you won’t be seeing any #nomakeup shots of me any time soon!
- Linda says:
Wow what a topic, at 66 I am still ‘a full face of make up’ before I even go downstairs in the morning woman, let alone before I leave the house.! Habits die hard and anyway I love make-up, its so creative in that you can tweak your look daily if you so desire. In hospital for a knee op a few years ago I made sure I had applied my makeup as soon as I woke up and I felt so much better for it. The whole argument for no makeup doesn’t make sense, embrace the choice!
- Reader says:
First of all, I get tired of people posting photos of themselves supposedly with a naked face when they clearly are wearing SOME makeup, eyebrow, eyelashes, foundation, that’s makeup. So call it minimal makeup. Very minimal makeup is what I favor. It takes 1 minute to apply, if that, and I think I look better. But no woman is required to wear makeup.
- ani says:
What is so refreshing about reading the comments is that at this stage of our lives we are all doing What We Want To Do. Whatever makes us happy is the way to go. Make-up, no make-up – who cares – as long as it’s what we want to do. I enjoy make-up. It’s fun for me. Same as playing with the 64 box of crayons was fun when I was a kid. I enjoy the colors! Now I’m gonna pop on some lipstick and snag my grand kids for an adventure!
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Couldn’t agree more Alyson – fed up with being told to stop doing things! Make up is fun, it makes you feel good – what’s not to like?