
Age-appropriate is inappropriate

— by Alyson Walsh


Dorrie Jacobson of Senior Style Bible

When digital media website Mashable asked for my comments on age-appropriate style, I told them it was dead. That today, the boundaries between different generations are blurred and so this kind of terminology is out-of-date and inappropriate. Age is irrelevant, we wear what we like. Obviously, Dorrie Jacobson from Senior Style Bible, an 80-year-old fashion lover and former Playboy bunny, feels the same:

‘You have to wonder why it’s only women who are subjected to this ‘fashion rulebook.’ Men can wear whatever the bloody hell they like, at any age, and no one blinks an eyelash.’


Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on my ‘grey hair’ post. Next time the Guardian take my photo I’m going to take a leaf out of Dorrie’s book and find a colourful wall to stand next to.

Read Mashable’s ‘Age-appropriate fashion is a step backward for women’s rights,’  feature HERE.

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Going Grey for the Guardian

When digital media website Mashable asked for my comments on age-appropriate style, I told them it was dead. That today, the boundaries between different generations are blurred and so this kind of te…