
How to wear clashing prints

— by Alyson Walsh

Photo by Acielle at Style du Monde

For a lesson in print-clashing to perfection, look to Chioma Nnadi, the fashion news director of (photographed in London earlier this year). I didn’t think I wore much pattern until as part of the research for Know Your Style a wardrobe expert helped me to declutter. As well as freeing me of the clothes of a former life (that of a magazine fashion editor), she organised my wardrobe and arranged a number of printed tops and jackets together on the rail. Fancy that.

To keep things chic not showy, I tend to balance print with plain but I am also a massive fan of a pattern mismatch. The key to pulling the clash off is to choose prints of a similar scale and champion one colour. Using this technique even dissimilar patterns can be coordinated. Here green is the hero and the carefully chosen colour of the sweatshirt underneath pulls the daffodil and camo prints together nicely. As Lucinda Chambers said when I interviewed her for my book, ‘I won’t do matchy-matchy but when colours tally up, it looks thoughtful.’

Teamed with trainers, Chioma Nnadi shows us feel-good, faff-free fashion at its finest.



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PS Have you seen Lucinda Chamber’s new fashion label Colville? The former Vogue fashion director has been busy working with two former Marni designers Molly Molloy and Kristin Forss on a new collection. I was hoping for the new Céline but it’s a bit more Bodymap meets Vivienne Westwood than I expected.

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For a lesson in print-clashing to perfection, look to Chioma Nnadi, the fashion news director of (photographed in London earlier this year).