Street Style Forever at London Fashion Week
— by Alyson Walsh
Showing women of all ages doing their own thing is what I want to do more of on That’s Not My Age. And with this in mind I popped along to London Fashion Week, over the weekend. Walking past a group of street style photographers desperately taking pictures of a badly dressed teenager by a telephone box, I aimed straight for the grown-ups going about their work. It was brilliant to very, very briefly meet the ever-so-elegant Linda Fargo senior vice president and womenswear director at Bergdorff Goodman, as well TNMA regulars, journalists Avril Groom and Francesca Fearon wearing matching Dorothee Schumacher jackets. ‘Who has time to check at 7am?’ laughed Avril. Floral prints and fancy boots, dresses over denim and checked blazers were in abundance. It’s always a bit of a bun fight at London Fashion Week but I wanted to get beyond that and capture the women with Style Forever, those who’ll always look comfortable in their own skin.
Keeping it real. Photos by Lucy Fitter.

Discussion (27 Comments)
I’m loving the dress-over-jeans look!! Thanks for these photos, always nice to see.
Steele says:
Love these photos! Inspired by Linda Fargo to wear my wide-leg, cropped chinos for Fall. Maybe I’ll try a shirt-dress over jeans, too.
Zanna says:
Not my thing at all , but they all seem to be having fun . Reminds me of being a child with a dressing up box full of colourful bits and bobs.
Do these people work in fashion? They have that air of trying too much to be ‘something’ but they don’t have direction.
Sorry to sound sour, I do admire your own style Alyson, else I shouldn’t be reading here.
I enjoy seeing women like Linda Rodin look amazing , because she has a great eye for balance even at her most exuberant.
Just not today!This is wonderful! And I was just contemplating whether I could wear my wide-leg cropped pants with boots.
I love your concept of “women of all ages doing their own thing” because they look so comfortable in their own skin – it’s what fashion should really be about. xxx
Robyn says:
The dress over jeans is an interesting option. Style is very personal, it is a way we reflect our personalities. From the photos each women seems to be doing that joyfully. For my own personal choice I love the way Garance Dore looks-from your Pinterest board, in the olive knit dress. Sometimes I think a quiet style makes more of a statement than a bolder one.
Linda Boardman Kerr says:
I agree with Zanna: some of these pics remind me of kids playing dress-up. I don’t understand the loose threads hanging out the bottom of the jacket in the first pic…and the length and cut of the skirt in the fourth pic, along with the heavy black tights, are not very flattering.
That said, I always enjoy your posts, if I don’t necessarily agree with the tastes teatured, and I far prefer women to experiment and dress creatively than following rules and being boring!Heather Cupit says:
Well, I think clothes become more and more fun as you age. Who cares what you wear? As a woman lucky enough to see the opening up of style in the Sixties, I think we are privileged in the UK – we have high street choices at all prices, we have designer wear at out of my reach prices, we have charity shops of all sorts, we have vintage of all sorts. In the Fifties, we were not allowed to wear black with brown; you had to have a handbag that matched shoes; gloves were often forced upon you… I am very happy to be 74 and wear what I jolly well like. Yes, I sometimes look like a clown, and sometimes I look like Miss Barbara Pym – the choice is mine!
Ann says:
Heather, that’s exactly how I’m feeling these days as I approach 72 years of wonderful life. I’m ready to play. Ready not to dress for corporate success. Ready to fail, delight, and surprise myself with clothing pieces and combinations.
I’m having the style and fashion times of my life!
Jenny says:
Love the concept of real people dressing to please themselves. I also love the dresses over jeans. Right up my street! Thanks Alyson.
Jilly says:
I’m wearing that look right now. Not sure why’s it’s so appealing to me, but it has become a sort of uniform for me.
Lesley Somerville says:
Really enjoy seeing photos of grown up women who are obviously wearing what they want with confidence and truly enjoying the experience of getting dressed. Speaking personally, it prompts me to look again at my wardrobe and think about new combinations (yes I’ve been reading your book). As I get older (61) dressing myself has become almost a hobby, something I can take time over and have fun with. Living in a provincial city means I stand out a bit at times but I quite like that. It’s a way of speaking out, being independent and opinionated, which is what we need women to be doing more and more. All these ladies look happy. That says it all.
Valerie says:
Oh my goodness ! One of the most inspiring posts ever ! Thank you for bringing these beautiful women (that I would otherwise never see) to your blog.
Rochelle says:
Re: Jeans under dresses. The combination is a bit jarring, but what a great way to wear trainers for dress-up. I’m for a y look that allows flat shoes.
These ladies are rocking a look with confidence! Great photos and congratulations Alyson on your new book.
A. Murphy says:
Interesting is the word that initially springs to mind! I’m with Zanna & Linda. However what is really positive are the pics of women who, while wearing slightly eccentric clothes, are not size 10….,and sacre bleu at London Fadhion week!
Sue says:
I love to see happy people and I think women should wear whatever they feel comfortable in at any age. However, having said that, it seems to me that the ‘throw every color/pattern/shape together’ excessiveness that some of these women are wearing is aging and just not attractive. Artsy maybe, but not elegant. It seems to have replaced the capri pant/bedazzled t-shirt uniform that used to be the ‘older women’ outfit. Ps. I do like your style, though, Alyson,
Ya ya! Love seeing women in full colour and season!
cw says:
Thank you for these photos! Lovely women and so many wearing shoes that are fabulous and not deadly!
maudie says:
Yay – gorgeous women in gorgeous clothes and dressing to please themselves.
Kathryn says:
I’m going to be a bit severe here, so fair warning, no offense intended, it’s just my opinion. I like jeans under some dresses very much. That said, imo, putting jeans under any and all dresses seems to scream “I want to be trendy but don’t have time to think” not “I’m rocking my individuality,” especially when it’s all the same jean. I happened to come across the first episodes of Sex and the City the other day and “Carrie” was wearing jeans under dresses….in 1998. Now that was individuality. Alyson, I am sure you could show us some good looks on this theme!
moi says:
Agreed! Fashion, like, say, the art of painting or decorating, is a combination of color, texture, line, volume, etc. And it reflects an individual mentality/goal. But just as we recognize when a painting or drawing or interior decorating scheme just doesn’t work (in other words, form an educated judgement about a piece of art), so too is it okay to judge fashion. Yes, by all means, we should all do our own thing and please ourselves. Great! But that doesn’t mean that the world won’t pass judgement and in many cases refuse to applaud outfits that seems try-hard or slapped together—or that we should become the Emperor’s sycophants to downright awful stuff just because a fashion journalist wears it or a notable designer sends it down the runway.
Katnleen says:
Love this post, would be eager to see more like this!
I think Zanna and Linda have said it well – it’s wonderful to see experimentation and creativity when it comes to dressing. I will only add that many of these looks appear unbalanced in a rush to embrace the current trend, begun by Alessandro Michele at Gucci, of mashing together disparate elements in order to create a multi-layered and at times chaotic look. Maybe because recent street style photos are full of such looks, this trend seems to me as rigid as early 90s minimalism was in its avoidance of fanciful prints and playful accessories. At the risk of sounding like a middle-aged crank, I think balance and proportion are still the hallmarks of elegance and great personal style.
http://www.beastofstyle.comLike you I’m more interested and inspired by women of experience. Love all your choices, These ladies look happy, confident and comfortable with the sartorial choices. I’m celebrating women over forty with my series PD’s Fifty over Forty the first 3 installments can be seen here:
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What a great way to begin my week — thank you!