
How to wear camouflage print

— by Alyson Walsh

Even at my age, there are certain fashion items I’ve never worn, like a basque, a baseball cap, and a bold camouflage print. As far as the basque and the baseball cap are concerned, I’d like to keep it that way, but all of a sudden this military pattern feels so right. Start off with a fondness for khaki, add a healthy dollop of animal print and then bring on the camo, it’s a natural progression.

So, I picked this jacket up for £30 at Brixton Market (that’s where I buy all my coats), none of your pretend military schmutter, this is proper army surplus with a NATO label sewn in the back and a strange bum flap-type thingy. The man in the second-hand shop said the flap was something to do with soldiers sitting on their helmets – ahem- which may be truth or fiction, who knows? Fortunately the bum flap can be buttoned up on the inside and so no need to worry about tucking it into my knickers when I’ve been to the loo. This is me on the way to London Fashion Week with my lovely new camo jacket  thrown over an old Jaeger striped tunic top, Acne black pants, ancient New Balance trainers – a bit smelly but perfect on the cobbles at Somerset House – and a new Jaeger handbag. My first proper ladies’ handbag. Add that to the first-time-for-everything list. How very grown-up.

From anti-war protestors to high fashion, the art of camouflage has a long history, here are a few of my favourite camo moments:

Debbie Harry wears Stephen Sprouse (collaboration with Andy Warhol) 1987.

Lily Cole in Jean Paul Gaultier (2007).

 Jenna Lyons mixes it up.

Camo is another weapon to add to the fashion armoury – though when I’m on my bike in the rain, in my khaki jacket and new cycle helmet, I look a lot like this:

What’s on your first-time-for-everything list?

And now I’m going to try to add this to Patti at Not Dead Yet Style’s Visible Monday list.

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Even at my age, there are certain fashion items I’ve never worn, like a basque, a baseball cap, and a bold camouflage print. As far as the basque and the baseball cap are concerned, I’d li…