
Fashion Bin: Pastels

— by Alyson Walsh

Wishy-washy pastel hues have no place in a grown-up woman’s wardrobe. Too insipid. Too girlie. Too mother-of-the-bride. Now, I know my colour palette is fairly limited – camel, navy, khaki, charcoal – and that faded denim is the closest I get to a sugar-coated shade, but then I’m happy in my colour rut. I have no desire to look like George Dawes or an elderly member of the royal family. As Coco Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld have shown, the monochrome mix is the most powerful coalition of all (let’s not dwell on the omnishambles). And, a largely neutral wardrobe doesn’t need to look dull. Just add a blast of cobalt blue:

Geraldine Saglio: REX
Jenna Lyons photo: Bridget Fleming

Or a punch of scarlet. That’s me in red jeans and jaunty scarf:

TNMA in hot pants.

Lemon, pistachio, the word ‘sorbet’. Let’s dump them all where they belong, in the wheelie bin of fashion. Which is khaki and black, by the way:

Jaeger s/s 12 catwalk photo: Elle

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Older models: Daphne Selfe

Wishy-washy pastel hues have no place in a grown-up woman’s wardrobe. Too insipid.