
The Light Fantastic

— by Alyson Walsh

This is God’s Own Junkyard, or what That’s Not My Age Mansions would look like if I had my own way. Chris Bracey is an artist who works with neon lights. He started out in 1970s Soho making signs for sex shops and strip clubs (maybe I need to retract that first sentence?) and moved onto creating props for films including Tim Burton’s Batman, and Eye’s Wide Shut, and Vogue cover shoots. Apparently, Kate Moss owns some of his work. Growing up in a seaside town with its very own version of the northern lights, the Junkyard  exhibition – a combination of faded glamour and kitsch  – feels like home from home to me. I was straight through those doors like a sleazeball in a sex shop. Good to see these Soho lights are still working their magic.

And as I’ve said before, you can take the girl out of Blackpool…

God’s Own Junkyard is on at Circus, 27 Beak Street, Soho until 15 January 2013 

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This is God’s Own Junkyard, or what That’s Not My Age Mansions would look like if I had my own way. Chris Bracey is an artist who works with neon lights.