
What your dressing gown says about you

— by Alyson Walsh

Photo: Getty.

Mr That’s Not My Age is a fan of loungewear. Every evening without fail, he comes home from work, has a bath and changes into something more comfortable. That’s Not My Husband by the way, it’s the actor Benedict
Cumberbatch ‘channeling a slightly younger Hugh Hefner’ on the Nick Hart
catwalk. This weekend was the inaugural London Collections: Men. I think it’s just brilliant that London now has its own menswear shows. This is the home of Savile Row, after all. And Prince Charles is a bit of style icon these days, don’t you know.

So, for his recent birthday, I decided to buy the Blog Widower a new dressing gown. Simple, I thought. He’s in need of a style upgrade and it’ll be perfect for lounging in. I wanted plain, cotton and nothing too shiny. Playboy Mansions this ain’t. After trawling all the obvious places: Selfridges, Fenwick, John Lewis, and finding everything too big and fluffy, I went online. Where after flirting briefly with a gorgeous £1800 paisley Turnbull & Asser number from Mr Porter, I took a quick reality check and found this lovely cotton bath robe at Not On The High Street. It’s handmade using 100% cotton, Hamam towels by Tunisian artisans. And Mr TNMA loves it. In his twenties, on returning
from a trip to Bali, the young Blog Widower spent the summer wandering
around London in a sarong – so I think this Febronie gown appeals to his hippy nature. ‘It’s not a fire risk like that old one from M&S,’ he says, ‘ It’s cool for summer and kind of sleek. And the pockets are quite big. Good for storing hankies and I think I could fit my Kindle (last year’s birthday present) in too.’

So there you have it. Benedict Cumberbatch in black satin with a whisky and cigar. Mr That’s Not My Age in cool cotton with his handkerchief and reading matter. I know which one I think is the real gentleman…

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Photo: Getty. Mr That’s Not My Age is a fan of loungewear.